What should I do if my wastewater treatment system has no power?

As a home or business owner, you work hard to keep things running smoothly. But sometimes, circumstances beyond your control–like a power outage–can cause unwanted problems. When your wastewater treatment system loses power, it can feel overwhelming. After all, it’s not just an inconvenience but a potential risk to your property, the environment, and the people around you. The good news is that with a few simple steps, you can manage the situation effectively and avoid issues with your wastewater treatment system. Here is a breakdown of the key points for each step:

Step one: Reduce water usage

  • Minimise water usage to prevent overloading the wastewater tank, especially dishwashers, washing machines, showers, and baths.
  • Use water sparingly for essential activities such as drinking, cooking, and hygiene.
  • Educate everyone in the household or business about conserving water during a power outage.

Step two: Book a licensed de-sludging company to empty your tank

  • A professional de-sludging company can empty the wastewater tank to prevent the water from overflowing into your percolation area or backing up into the property.
  • This approach provides more time if the power outage lasts longer than 48 hours. On average, each person in a household uses approximately 150 litres of water per day, though usage can vary significantly in a business setting.
  • Ensure the company is licensed and certified to dispose of your wastewater properly.

Step three: Contact your manufacturer for technical support

  • Your manufacturer can provide guidance specific to your wastewater treatment system, such as the volume of the wastewater tank and if there are any pipe networks or tertiary filters installed on your site.
  • Ask if your system has any procedures for extended power outages.
  • Confirm if any parts, such as pumps or electrical components, need servicing once the power has been restored.
  • Request information about warranties and maintenance plans.

Always consult your system’s manual or a professional for guidance to ensure everything runs smoothly once power is restored. If you need further assistance, please contact our team today.