The complete solution for your home and garden.

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The Indirect supply system is a versatile solution for various purposes such as toilet flushing, washing machines, irrigation, and outdoor cleaning. Rainwater from the roof is collected and filtered before entering the underground tank. Equipped with a pressure-sensitive pump, the system ensures water is pumped under pressure when a valve is opened and automatically repressurises when the valve is closed.

The water is then gravity-fed from a header tank to fulfill household demands. During dry periods, the system intelligently stops pumping rainwater, allowing a floating ball valve inside the header tank to control the top-up of mains water when rainwater levels are insufficient. For garden irrigation, a direct pump pressure supply can be achieved by installing an outside tap connected to the pump.

How does the Carat In-Direct Rainwater Harvesting Package work?

The indirect supply system is designed to support WCs, washing machines, irrigation, and outside cleaning purposes. Rainwater is collected from the roof of the property and fed into the underground tank via the downpipes. On entry to the tank, the water passes through a filter to prevent any debris from going into the tank. With this system, there is a pressure-sensitive pump located in the underground tank.

When a valve or tap is opened, water will be pumped under pressure until the valve is closed, allowing the system to repressurise turning the power off to the pump. From the header tank, the water is gravity-fed to the WCs, etc. It is all automatic; whenever there is a demand for water, i.e., when the toilet is flushed, the harvested rainwater will be gravity fed to the toilet from the header tank, and then the pump inside the underground tank tops up the header tank. In periods without rainfall, the water level inside the underground tank will drop.

When the rainwater level is too low, the pump will stop pumping harvested rainwater to the header tank. This, in turn, will result in the rainwater level in the header tank dropping. Inside the header tank, there is a floating ball valve that controls the top-up of mains water in periods with no rain. This means that the system maximises the use of all available rainwater. If the system is to be used for garden irrigation, an outside tap should be installed on the pipework directly off the pump. A T-junction can be used to achieve this. This will imply that direct pump pressure is now supplying the garden tap. (NB: when the tank is low on rainwater, there will be no mains water top-up to the outside tap.)

Why choose the Carat In-Direct Rainwater Harvesting System:

  • Cost-Effective Installation: The system uses gravel backfill instead of traditional concrete.
  • Adaptable Setup with Vehicle Loading Lid: Ideal for homes with limited garden space, this system can be installed under the driveway thanks to its vehicle loading lid, providing flexibility and space efficiency.
  • Sustainable Construction: With an underground tank made entirely from 100% recycled plastic, the system aligns with environmentally responsible practices.
  • Renowned Quality: As a product from a European market leader, the Platin system assures high performance and durability.
  • Smart Water Management: It includes an automatic submersible pump equipped with automatic restart and dry-run protection, ensuring efficient operation with minimal maintenance.
  • Reliable Water Supply: A standout feature is the integrated mains water back-up. It automatically tops up the header tank with mains water whenever the rainwater levels in the underground tank are insufficient, ensuring you always have access to water.


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