Welcome to our blog. Find out more about GRAF, rainwater management, the garden and much more. Stay curious!
Glaciers store around 70 per cent of the Earth's fresh water – but climate change is causing them to melt rapidly. Up to 80 per cent of Alpine glaciers could have disappeared by 2100. How can water supplies be secured if one of the most important natural sources dries up?
The past few months have shown that heavy rain and flooding are making our lives increasingly difficult. But there is a lot we can do about it – especially with solutions from our company...
Flat tanks impress with their easy installation and space-saving design. They offer a practical and stable solution, especially where space is limited or the groundwater level is high.
From east to east, i.e. from Easter to October - the garden also needs to be winterized. Find out how you can prepare your garden, especially your rain barrel and cistern, for the winter.
Thirsty plants will be happy to receive optimal and, above all, targeted watering. Gardener Ramona Glatz explains what automatic systems are available.
Up to 13 meters long with a volume of a whopping 52,000 liters: The really big things are made at our newest plant in Neuried.
Mannheim is currently setting up a network of measuring stations to collect data on the microclimate. The aim: an effective concept for more green spaces - and a city that remains liveable even in the heat.
Ein Container für das Abwasser von bis zu 250 Menschen? Bei KLARO geht die Rechnung auf. Die Bayreuther Spezialisten der GRAF Gruppe stellen u.a. Kläranlagen in Containern her, die überall auf der Welt zum Einsatz kommen.
It's a topsy-turvy world: a material that outlasts human life is quickly used as packaging film and then ends up in growing mountains of rubbish or in the sea? We need to change this, says Dr Dirk Textor ...
Exporter to 80 countries, locations in Europe, Asia and Australia - at GRAF, we prioritise customer proximity. We also realise your major projects in unusual locations around the world...
Downpipe, barrel, done: collecting rainwater is actually easy. Nevertheless, there are a few aspects to consider.
Since 2023, our first plant has largely produced its own electricity: A huge new PV system covers the entire electricity demand at our Neuried site during the day.
In 1974, we launched the first rain barrel on the market - a wonderful coincidence to which our company owes a great deal. A tribute.
Water is life. But what significance does this endangered resource actually have for us humans? And how can we protect it?
Once again this year, we planted 500 trees for climate protection - because every little tree counts!
Fuel versus raw material? Our partner ELM in Bissingen has combined both methods of utilisation - and has really experienced a boost as a result ...
Crises such as wars and climate change also affect the water supply. Here we explain why drinking water is becoming more expensive in this country and how water consumption and costs can be reduced at the same time.
As soon as the water level in the pool drops, you can refill it with rainwater. This means that drinking water is no longer required for refilling and the water quality in the pool is still top notch.
Collecting rainwater - makes sense for gardens and wallets. An interview with expert Dr. Walter Kolb, author of "Saving water in the garden".
Unfortunately, above-ground rain barrels often have an unpleasant side effect: mosquitoes. Stagnant water, such as that found in full rain barrels, is an ideal breeding ground for insects.
Climate change and water scarcity - two words that most people probably associate with each other. However, many people are not yet aware that water scarcity already exists in Central Europe.
Farmer, inventor, cleaner: Bernhard Wilken is as versatile as his Emsland-based company. And it's not just a chicken farm, but also an important part of our GRAF recycling cycle.
Droughts, heatwaves, heavy rainfall: Our climate is changing - and faster than we all thought. Now we need clever solutions that work. At GRAF, we have a few ideas.
This year, Santa Claus has a piece of sustainability in his sleigh at GRAF - 500 trees for climate protection.
On this year's World Water Day on March 22, the world remembers the most important source of drinking water: our groundwater. Find out more about how to protect groundwater.
A tour of our recycling plant. From shredded plastic shreds to granulate.
Drain rainwater into the sewer system? The sponge city prefers local storage. An interview with Prof. Dr. Roland Müller from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig.
7 tips on how you can best save water in your everyday life. From dripping taps, flow limiters and domestic water systems.
Watering the garden is just one good reason why you should collect and reuse your rainwater.
When your old shampoo bottle is given a second life, we create new products. Read how we recycle plastic waste.
We reach a milestone in terms of climate protection and sustainability.
Rainwater instead of tap water - find out from master gardener Christian Jäger why rainwater is the better choice for our plants.